Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Turkey Tuesday

Today my lovely employers fed all the agents and staff a wonderful breakfast, and then gave them all three free games of bowling. And yes, we got paid for this as well.

There were like, 17 teams of 4 bowlers, or something like that. The teams were randomly chosen so that staff and agents were all mixed up. I for one don't bowl, it kills my shoulder plus the rest of me, so I got to sit there and watch everyone. It was actually very fun. There was a group of 4 or 5 other ladies that didn't bowl either. One of those was a girl named Elyse.

Elyse is a receptionist at one of the other offices. She is always great to talk to. I call once a week to get edits on the ads, and she's always very quick to tell me I'm awesome. :D Weirdly enough, she's cousins with Ryan, the IT guy. Who I never even talk to anymore.... I would say Elyse is about, mmm, 24, and she's just so nice and smart too. And her hair is so long and pretty!! I've seen her a couple times, and noticed that she walks very awkwardly, like her back or hips don't work right. I found out today that this is because when she was ten, she and her family were in a bad car accident, and she broke her back! She was in a wheelchair for awhile, and they thought she'd never walk again. But, obviously, she's one of those strong persistent types, and she walks all over the place. She's very inspiring.

Anyway, I sat with my co-worker Melia, who was on a team with a couple agents, the owner of the company's wife Janet, and a very nice guy named Tony who does something with billing and accounting at the office. I got to chat with everyone... Janet is so funny! So energetic and excited. And I never get to talk to Tony because he's always so busy, so that was nice. He said that he sucked at bowling, yet, he only had a couple frames where he didn't get a strike or a spare! And I had to tell him to smile when he'd bowl well! He'd turn around and just look all normal, kinda no expression.

Then I went back to work, and worked on the 2 pages of ads that we'll have this week. I don't know why it took me so long.... I guess because I just built it all from scratch, and had to change things up so much. First of all, when I got back from lunch, I had a message from this guy who had sent me emails 2 weeks ago for FOUR ads for this coming weekend, and he was upset (not like mad, or anything, more like irritated I think) that only 1 was in there (sorry, I forgot, that was 2 weeks ago!). We didn't have enough room for them, so I made some adjustments. Which caused us to end up with one extra ad that had to go on the subdivision page, and that bugged me and Kim (boss) because it just didn't look right, and it made that page pretty cluttered. So I worked on that, and about an hour before the end of the day, I got a call from Elyse asking if it was too late to cancel an open house! So I got to put that one back on its rightful page, and everything was just perfect. :)

And now its getting late... I don't want to go to bed... at least tomorrow is pretty much Friday. Except, Sam is out of the office with strep throat, and Melia will be gone... so I'll be... all... alone.... in the office. What am I going to do?? *whimper* No, it'll be nice to have some quiet creative time... but it will be weird to just be by myself all day!

Hmm. Well. Off to go read, hopefully. I have this great book from the library called Fairy Godmother by Mercedes Lackey (my fav author of all time)!! Yay! :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!


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