Sunday, October 10, 2004

Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes...

Not surprisingly, I survived until the weekend. :D The trip to Bruneau was really fun; I did end up seeing a lot of my friends that are still in school, and Lennon too. It was really cloudy, so we couldn't look at the stars, and it was really windy so we couldn't really play in the sand (and I was tired!). But we did have a good fire, and made s'mores... and since it was overcast, it stayed pretty warm overnight, so I didn't get cold! :) My mouth tastes like smoke tho, and I hate it when that happens cause I know its going to stay like that for awhile, and there's nothing I can really do.

Last night, I hung out in Caldwell at ACI. We made some pasta salad at Andrew's, and then went to Ryan's room to watch Fahrenheit 9/11. Man. Bush is an idiot. I feel weird saying something so political, because I never have an opinion on this stuff. Mostly I've just felt like this war was really stupid and pointless, and there HAS to be better ways to deal with things. How is killing more people going to fix anything? Sigh. And it also feels like I'm being unpatriotic, but I'm just mad at our president. Even if Kerry's had a tough time expressing his opinions, and has gained the status as a "flip-flopper" (that's so lame), he's still got to be better than Bush. Geez. Anyone would. But Kerry has potential. Plus he LOOKS like a president. That's important! I say this after I've showed that I've actually thought about the really important things. :P

Hmmhmm. Moving on. We went to "Phreakin Phrenzie" for a minute in the middle of our movie to grab some pizza, and grab some we did. About 3 boxes of it (thank you Lennon). So we had a grand old party. We watched some extras on the Fahrenheit 9/11 DVD, and there was a funny bit with comedians from the Middle East.

Today was Max and Lennon's birthday, so this morning they went skydiving! Yay! It was fun to watch them. I'm gonna do it some day, I promise. :D I need to finish Max's present (I'll give it to you this next weekend Max! You'll love it! Hopefully!). I wish I had something to give Lennon, but I just don't know him well enough to know what to do. But I hope those boys have a fun time being 21.

On a really sad note, a little boy that I knew through Neopets died from cancer over the weekend... he had been fighting really hard for a long time, but there wasn't much they could do. I wish you could have lived to a ripe old age, Jerron, and I wish I could have gotten to meet you. I hope you know that we all love you. :'( My candle for Jerron....

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(the formatting doesn't show up right...)

Well yes. I don't know what to do now. I'm really exhausted, and unmotivated. I kinda feel like going to Barnes and Noble... maybe I'll do that for an hour or so. Cool. Will post again soon. I'm really enjoying having this blog. Its been really fun so far! I promise I will check out everyone's like Bill and Sarah and Cassie soon... just haven't had a chance.

Goodnight all. *Big hug for everyone*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

big hug back! ~Hahny

8:27 PM  

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