Friday, September 17, 2004

Friday Again

Today was the slowest day at work I could ever imagine. I worked on some graphics for an agent and an ad for the newspaper, and that was it. I helped Melia with her computer swapping process she had to go thru today, pretty much just helping her feel less freaked out about the whole thing (she didn't want to lose all her files, or risk being behind on work next week because the computer didn't work).

I went out to lunch, but forgot my leftovers at work... and I forgot to bring in my time card to get it signed. So I'm hoping Kim (the supervisor type lady) might be at the office over the weekend. Hey, it could happen.

I'm glad its the weekend, but I don't know what I might do. I guess go out to Caldwell to visit Andrew (even though he IS very silly -> refer to comments on the post titled "sooo tired") and hang out in C-Town for an afternoon.

I found out that people are actually reading this.... surprises me to say the least. I actually have to make it interesting now.... oh the pressure! :) The only things I can think of are like office gossip and stuff... but I can't get carried away because who knows might look at this! I could do an in-depth response to how stupid The Apprentice was last night, or how sad Will and Grace was. But that wouldn't be too exciting either. Sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to post such silly things. I'm just joking and I'm glad you could find someone to relate to at work. I'll do/change anything for you to come out here. I love you! ~Yours

12:14 AM  

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