Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Hello World ;)

Well, I've decided to join the trend and start a blog. I never thought that I had anything important enough to say that people would want to read it. But I just decided that I am going to take control of my life and change the way I live it!

The story behind all this is that I recently graduated from college with a degree in Graphic Design (GD to make it easier to type). I have spent the whole summer trying to find a full time job, and doing some odd jobs for friends. I am helping someone learn how to use Photoshop, and in the process I realized that the school she goes to has a better GD program than the school I attended. So I started thinking that maybe I could help the school I went to improve their program.

And then the perfect job opportunity came along... a Graphic Design position at the very college that I graduated from. I really wanted the job; it would allow me to move away from home and be on my own. The fact that I am an alumni seemed like it would be an advantage for getting the job, plus it seemed like everyone liked me in the departments I would be interacting with. I had the assignment to create a postcard for the homecoming events this year, and I ended up making 8, and included my thought process and thumbnails in my presentation. I did my best, and thought I made a great impression.

However, I found out this Monday that I didn't get the job, and that even though they liked my work and thought I was talented, they just didn't think I was right for it. After some thought, I began to realize what the program at my school was really worth... just about nothing!! If the school I graduated from can't hire me into a position I was supposedly trained for, what am I supposed to do?

So. I decided that I am going to take it upon myself to learn everything I can about GD. I've already read and looked through countless books, and I'm going to get my hands on as many more as I can. I am involved in an online community of designers, and its great having a support network where I can learn and interact. I want to improve my chances of getting a good job by immersing myself in the GD world, and becoming the best designer I can.

And so now we come to the blog part of the whole thing. I wanted to document my progress in this whole situation so I can have a record of what I've learned and what I still need to do. Thanks to anyone who has read this... keep checking back and maybe it'll get interesting. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool, sounds like a plan

1:13 PM  

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